Annabelle Gurwitch has found what may be one of the few remaining places where you can be anybody you want: Starbucks. Check out the part towards the end where people on the street are asked to share their Starbucks names. I’m reminded of a time many years ago when Schultzy’s Sausage had expanded to a second location in Redmond. (They closed the location after maybe a year, not because business was bad but because it was just too much work for the owner.¹) A group of us stopped in for dinner, and as each of us placed our order, the man behind the counter asked for our names so he could call us when the order was ready. Most of us gave our names without a fuss, but one of the group (whom I shall call “X”) decided to play around a bit: X: I’ll have a dooey. Man: (taking down the order) What’s your name? X: (being a bit of a smart aleck) What’s yours? Man: Schultzy. X: Oh. Nitpicker’s Corner
¹This statement of fact is actually an interpretation of events based on hearsay evidence. It does not establish a statement of the official position of Microsoft Corporation, and that interpretation may very well prove incorrect given the unreliability of the nature of hearsay evidence.