Thomas Mahon’s English Cut is a glimpse into the world of bespoke tailoring, a world I was completely unaware of prior to his web site. I was particularly fascinated by his description of how to recognise the work of Anderson & Sheppard by inspecting the pockets. It is this attention to detail that really makes the difference between good and great. I like to think that every now and then one of my own essays, say on the fine details of scroll bars or on supporting double-clicked radio buttons, also helped someone raise the quality of their software from good to great.
Mr. Mahon’s partner in crime is Hugh Macleod who points out that the blog is the main driver of new business. Remember that the next time somebody tries to start a marketing blog. Mr. Mahon’s web site shares his knowledge with us, teaching us about his craft, and does so in a conversationally engaging manner. Even when he’s selling himself, he does so while praising his competition.