Francesco (“Ces”) Marciuliano is the author of the comic strip Sally Forth. In his blog, Drink at Work he expounds on whatever tickles his fancy. (Warning: Includes strong language, adult situations, and political views.) Sure, the stories on writing a cartoon are fun, especially when he responds to feedback from readers, and he also has a long series of articles titled Comic Strip Writing 101 (example: Comic Strip Writing 101: It’s Not All Pabst and Vicodin), but that’s not the best part. No, the best part is the conversations with his father. Here’s an except from Conversation number two:
Dad: Marciulianos live much longer than average folks! Look at your Grandpa! He would still be alive today if he hadn’t died in that hospital.
Ces: What?
Dad: Y’know, from that spill he took…when he had to go to the hospital. I bet if he didn’t fall he would still be around today.
Ces: At age 102?
Dad: See? That’s what I’m talking about. Marciulianos live a long time.