When a program starts or when a DLL is loaded,
the loader builds a dependency tree of all the DLLs
referenced by that program/DLL, that DLL’s dependents, and so on.
It then determines the correct order in which to initialize
those DLLs so that no DLL is initialized until after all the
DLLs upon which it is dependent have been initialized.
(Of course, if you have a circular dependency, then this falls apart.
And as you well know, calling
the LoadLibrary
the LoadLibraryEx
from inside a DLL’s DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH notification also messes up
these dependency computations.)
Similarly, when you unload a DLL or when the program terminates, the de-initialization occurs so that a DLL is de-initialized after all its dependents.
But when you load a DLL manually,
crucial information is lost: Namely that the DLL that is calling
depends on the DLL being loaded.
Consequently, if A.DLL manually loads B.DLL, then there is no
guarantee that A.DLL will be unloaded before B.DLL.
This means, for example, that code like the following is
not reliable:
HSOMETHING g_hSomething; typedef HSOMETHING (WINAPI* GETSOMETHING)(void); typedef void (WINAPI* FREESOMETHING)(HSOMETHING); GETSOMETHING GetSomething; FREESOMETHING FreeSomething; // Ignoring race conditions for expository purposes void LoadB() { HINSTANCE hinstB = LoadLibrary(TEXT("B.DLL")); if (hinstB) { GetSomething = (GETSOMETHING) GetProcAddress(hinstB, "GetSomething"); FreeSomething = (FREESOMETHING) FreeProcAddress(hinstB, "FreeSomething"); } } // Ignoring race conditions for expository purposes HSOMETHING CacheSomethingFromB() { if (!g_hSomething && GetSomething && FreeSomething) { g_hSomething = GetSomething(); } return g_hSomething; } BOOL CALLBACK DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (dwReason) { ... case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (g_hSomething) { FreeSomething(g_hSomething); // oops } break; } return TRUE; }
At the line marked “oops”, there is no guarantee that
is still in memory because B.DLL
does not appear in the dependency list of A.DLL
even though there is a runtime-generated dependency caused by
the call to LoadLibrary
Why can’t the loader keep track of this dynamic dependency?
In other words
when A.DLL
calls LoadLibrary(TEXT("B.DLL"))
why can’t the loader automatically say “Okay, now A.DLL depends
on B.DLL”?
First of all, because as I’ve noted before, you can’t trust the return address.
Second, even if you could trust the return address, you still can’t trust the return address. Consider:
// A.DLL - same as before except for one line void LoadB() { HINSTANCE hinstB = MiddleFunction(TEXT("B.DLL")); if (hinstB) { GetSomething = (GETSOMETHING) GetProcAddress(hinstB, "GetSomething"); FreeSomething = (FREESOMETHING) FreeProcAddress(hinstB, "FreeSomething"); } } // MIDDLE.DLL HINSTANCE MiddleFunction(LPCTSTR pszDll) { return LoadLibrary(pszDll); }
In this scenario, the load of B.DLL
not directly from A.DLL
, but rather through
an intermediary (in this case, MiddleFunction
Even if you could trust the return address, the dependency
would be assigned to MIDDLE.DLL
instead of
“What sort of crazy person would write a function like
?”, you ask.
This sort of intermediate function is common
helper/wrapper libraries
or to
provide additional lifetime management functionality
(although it doesn’t do it any more, though it used to).
Third, there is the case of
the GetModuleHandle
void UseBIfAvailable() { HINSTANCE hinstB = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("B")); if (hinstB) { DOSOMETHING DoSomething = (DOSOMETHING) GetProcAddress(hinstB, "DoSomething"); if (DoSomething) { DoSomething(); } } }
Should this call to GetModuleHandle
create a dependency?
Note also that there are dependencies among DLLs
that go beyond just LoadLibrary
For example, if you pass a callback function pointer
to another DLL, you have created a reverse dependency.
A final note is that this sort of implicit dependency, as hard as it is to see as written above, is even worse once you toss global destructors into the mix.
class SomethingHolder { public: SomethingHolder() : m_hSomething(NULL); ~SomethingHolder() { if (m_hSomething) FreeSomething(m_hSomething); } HSOMETHING m_hSomething; }; SomethingHolder g_SomethingHolder; ...
The DLL dependency is now hidden inside the
class, and when
unloads, g_SomethingHolder
destructor will run and try to talk to B.DLL
Hilarity ensues.