Pointers to virtual functions all look basically the same and therefore, as we learned last time, all end up merged into a single function. Here’s a contrived example:
class Class1 { public: virtual int f1() { return 0; } virtual int f2() { return 1; } }; class Class2 { public: virtual int g1() { return 2; } virtual int g2() { return 3; } }; int (Class1::*pfn1)() = Class1::f2; int (Class2::*pfn2)() = Class2::g2;
If you take a look at pfn1
and pfn2
you’ll see that the point to the same function:
0:000> dd pfn1 l1 01002000 010010c8 0:000> dd pfn2 l1 01002004 010010c8 0:000> u 10010c8 l2 010010c8 8b01 mov eax,[ecx] ; first vtable 010010ca ff6004 jmp dword ptr [eax+0x4] ; second function
That’s because the virtual functions Class1::f2
are both stored in the same location
relative to the respective object pointer:
They are the second entry in the first vtable.
Therefore, the code to call those functions is identical
and consequently has been merged by the linker.
Notice that the function pointers are not direct pointers to
the concrete implementations of Class1::f2
because the function pointer might
be applied to a derived class which override the virtual
class Class3 : public Class1 { public: virtual int f2() { return 9; } }; Class3 c3; (c3.*pfn1)(); // calls Class3::f2
Applying the function pointer invokes the function on the derived class,
which is the whole point of declaring the function Class1::f2
as virtual in the first place.
Note that the C++ language explicitly states that the result of comparing non-null pointers to virtual member functions is “unspecified”, which is language-standards speak for “the result not only depends on the implementation, but the implementation isn’t even required to document how it arrives at the result.”