Raymond's random walk, from Swedish designers to Mr. Monkey

Raymond Chen

My random walk began at Svenska Dagbladet and the article Svensk designer upprör skottar, about Swedish designer Johanna Larson whose T-shirt depicting the traffic-cone-wearing Duke of Wellington has sparked a debate in the city. The article mentions that the tradition of placing a traffic cone on the head of the Duke is twenty years old, and my search for further information on this ongoing prank led me to Richard Leyton‘s musings on whether the traffic cone should be glued in place permanently. At the end of his entry, he links to the wonderful web site of Mr Monkey and in particular Mr Monkey’s visit to the statue to see it for himself.

The Mr Monkey web site is one of the hidden treasures of the Internet. Sure, it may not be entirely original, but Mr Monkey himself is so goofy-looking, the pictures are for the most part quite well-composed, and the subtitles are the icing on the cake.


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