Observe that we paint all 100 lines in our paint handler, even though most of them aren’t visible. This is a problem if there are a large number of items, or if painting an item is time-consuming.
So instead, we optimize our paint cycle so as to paint only the elements which intersect the paint rectangle.
void PaintSimpleContent(HWND hwnd, PAINTSTRUCT *pps) { HFONT hfPrev = SelectFont(pps->hdc, g_hfList); /* Use the right font */ int iMin = max(pps->rcPaint.top / g_cyLine, 0); int iMax = min((pps->rcPaint.bottom + g_cyLine - 1) / g_cyLine, g_cItems); for (int i = iMin; i < iMax; i++) { char szLine[256]; int cch = wsprintf(szLine, "This is line %d", i); TextOut(pps->hdc, 0, i * g_cyLine, szLine, cch); } SelectFont(pps->hdc, hfPrev); }
Exercise: Explain the formulas for iMin and iMax. Explain why the seemingly equivalent formula
int iMax = min((pps->rcPaint.bottom - 1) / g_cyLine + 1, g_cItems);
is wrong. Then explain why it doesn’t really matter too much.