August 29th, 2012

WCF Data Service 5.0.2 Released

We’re happy to announce the release of WCF Data Services 5.0.2.

What’s in this release

This release contains a number of bug fixes:

  • Fixes NuGet packages to have explicit version dependencies
  • Fixes a bug where WCF Data Services client did not send the correct DataServiceVersion header when following a nextlink
  • Fixes a bug where projections involving more than eight columns would fail if the EF Oracle provider was being used
  • Fixes a bug where a DateTimeOffset could not be materialized from a v2 JSON Verbose value
  • Fixes a bug where the message quotas set in the client and server were not being propagated to ODataLib
  • Fixes a bug where WCF Data Services client binaries did not work correctly on Silverlight hosted in Chrome
  • Allows "True" and "False" to be recognized Boolean values in ATOM (note that this is more relaxed than the OData spec, but there were known cases where servers were serializing "True" and "False")
  • Fixes a bug where nullable action parameters were still required to be in the payload
  • Fixes a bug where EdmLib would fail validation for attribute names that are not SimpleIdentifiers
  • Fixes a bug where the FeedAtomMetadata annotation wasn’t being attached to the feed even when EnableAtomMetadataReading was set to true
  • Fixes a race condition in the WCF Data Services server bits when using reflection to get property values
  • Fixes an error message that wasn’t getting localized correctly

Getting the release

The release is only available on NuGet. To install this prerelease NuGet package, you can use the Package Manager GUI or one of the following commands from the Package Manager Console:

  • Install-Package <PackageId>
  • Update-Package <PackageId>

Our NuGet package ids are:

Call to action

If you have experienced one of the bugs mentioned above, we encourage you to try out these bits. As always, we’d love to hear any feedback you have!

Bin deploy guidance

If you are bin deploying WCF Data Services, please read through this blog post.



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