November 13th, 2019

Microsoft 365 training modules & Microsoft 365 Certified: Developer Associate certification

To help you accelerate your self-paced learning as a Microsoft 365 developer, we’re introducing new training modules specifically for developers interested in building solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform. You can access them at Currently, 10 modules are available, and we’ll be adding new modules every quarter. We plan to make the following Learning Paths and modules available by June 2020:

  • Microsoft 365 for developers – Fundamental (3 modules)
  • Extend Office – Fundamental (4 modules)
  • Build Apps with Microsoft Graph – Associate (7 modules)
  • Implement Microsoft identity – Associate (5 modules)
  • Extend and Customize SharePoint – Associate (8 modules)
  • Extend Teams – Associate (5 modules)
  • Extend Office – Associate (5 modules)

Each module includes well-structured content, labs, PowerPoint slides, recordings, and knowledge tests that you can explore at your own pace to develop the skills and knowledge you need to be successful. You can also track your learning progress and earn badges and trophies as you progress through the content.

If you’re an experienced Microsoft 365 developer or have expertise across the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Teams, Office Add-ins, and SharePoint Framework, you’re ready to take the newly launched Microsoft 365 Certified: Developer Associate certification (beta) exam to achieve formal certification. While the exam is in beta, you have the opportunity to receive an 80% discount. For details, see the blog post on Microsoft Learn.