October 26th, 2020

Mailbox 1.9 JavaScript API is Generally Available

Have you ever sent a mail, but forgot some essential disclaimer or text that needed to be in the message? With the append-on-send feature in the Mailbox 1.9 API, you’ll never have to worry about this again. You can programmatically ensure that what needs to be in a message is included as the mail is sent. This could be plain text, or even HTML.

Give it a try with our walkthrough. We’ve developed this feature based on your feedback, as this has been a top request from our community.

Append on Send is just one of the great new features in the Mailbox 1.9 API, which is now generally available.

What are the new capabilities in 1.9?

The following features are included in this release. Be sure to watch this recorded community call session, where we covered a summary of the release, this one covering the Bidirectional Dialog, and this one with the Display Items APIs if you’d like to learn more.

Feature Area APIs Description
Append on Send API item.body.appendOnSendAsync Appends content upon send.
Bidirectional Dialog API dialog.messageChild(message: string) Enables bidirectional communication between the dialog and add-in task panes.
Custom Properties customProperties.getAll() Convenience method to get all the custom properties of an item in a single call.
Display Items API mailbox.displayAppointmentFormAsync




item.displayReplyAllFormAsync: message, appointment

item.displayReplyFormAsync: message, appointment

New asynchronous versions of these APIs enable developers to validate if the items were displayed.

Where is 1.9 supported?

1.9 is currently supported in:

  • Outlook on the web.
  • Outlook on Windows (starting with version 2008 (build 13127.20296)) in the monthly channel.
  • Outlook on Mac – support will follow soon.

Check out our video of the recent community call where we discussed this feature.

Call in for the latest information

Be sure to sign up for our regular Office Add-ins community calls, which take place once a month and cover all things Office Add-ins. We frequently cover new features, show demos, and always try to answer your questions! It is a great way to interact with feature PMs. The next call is on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 from 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). See you then!

