We are deprecating the sha1Hash property on OneDrive Personal in July 2023. The sha1Hash property is used to generate a unique identifier for a file. This identifier can be used to verify the integrity of a file, as well as to track changes to a file.
After this date, there will be no guarantees that the sha1Hash property will be available. quickXorHash will be the only available property for both OneDrive for Business and OneDrive Personal.
This change is important for developers and users to take note of, as it may affect the way they interact with OneDrive. It is recommended to update any code or processes that rely on the sha1Hash property before the deprecation date to ensure a smooth transition.
More information on Hashes OneDrive APIs can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/resources/hashes?view=odsp-graph-online.
This post says:
The API documentation page (linked at the bottom of the post) says otherwise:
The post says: “Everything else mentioned below is still valid until that date.”
So the statement “In OneDrive Personal, quickXorHash is not available.” should be treated as valid before July 2023.
In other words, OneDrive Personal should have quickXorHash after July 2023.
It looks consistent with the doc page and the announcement.
In fact, according to our test recently, we found out that in fact now at least one of our OneDrive Personal account have quickXorHash already.
We think Microsoft may be rolling out some of the OneDrive Personal accounts to have quickXorHash before July 2023.