June 22nd, 2023

Breaking change: Enum property addition to teamworkDevice resource in Microsoft Graph 

Abhishek Agrawal
Senior Software Engineer

We’re announcing an upcoming breaking change for developers using deviceType on the teamworkDevice resource in the beta version of the Microsoft Graph API. 

With Microsoft Graph, you can get information about the Teams devices enrolled for your tenant. Effective June 26, 2023, we’ll introduce property updates to Microsoft Graph teamworkDevice. 

About the breaking change 

In a teamworkDevice record, we have added a new supported value called sipAnalogfor the field deviceType. This value can be used for legacy Analog endpoints such as elevator phones, parking lot phones, or factory floor devices, which are registered with Microsoft Teams through the SIP Gateway.  

What you need to do to prepare 

You can continue to use the existing API as-is and will not have to make any changes if your organization does not have any SIP analog Teams devices. You can check whether you have SIP Analog devices enrolled for your tenant on the Teams admin center portal. 

If your organization has SIP analog devices enrolled, the LIST and the GET responses will return information for those devices with sipAnalog deviceType. You might need to make changes to any existing setup to consume the teamworkDevice record appropriately. 



Abhishek Agrawal
Senior Software Engineer


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