June 30th, 2023

Billing updates for Microsoft Teams API in Microsoft Graph

Paused Billing on Teams Chat Export APIs (“chat: getAllMessages” endpoint only)

We are temporarily pausing billing for Teams Chat Export APIs estimated to start on 7/1/2023 until 9/30/2023, as we are implementing new enhancements to improve the APIs. Team Export APIs have two endpoints: “chats: getAllMessages” and “channel: getAllMessages”. We are only pausing billing for “chats: getAllMessages”.

For applications using Teams Chat Export APIs for Teams chat messages (chats: getAllMessages), we’re releasing a new enhancement for group chats scenarios. This new API enhancement is anticipated to GA by 07/31/2023. To take advantage of the enhancements, read the Teams API resources documentation.

Complete Billing Setup for Metered APIs

In April 2023, we announced billing enablement for Microsoft Teams APIs. To avoid service disruption, all applications are required to set up an active Azure billing subscription as soon as possible.

Estimate and Monitor Costs

For detailed information on seeded capacity and consumption fees, please review licensing and payment requirements for Microsoft Graph Teams APIs. On this page, you’ll also learn how to estimate and monitor the costs for these metered APIs. Once your Azure subscription is properly configured, you should be able to see and monitor the costs using Cost Analysis within the Azure portal.

If you have questions, please reach out to https://developer.microsoft.com/graph/support.

Thank you for using Microsoft Teams! Visit us at our Microsoft Teams Dev Center.

Follow us on Microsoft 365 Developer (@Microsoft365Dev) / Twitter for the latest news.


Ajit Kalele
Principal PM Manager
Amit Oberoi
Sr Product Manager


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