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SharePoint Development Community (PnP) – December 2018 update

SharePoint Dev Ecosystem / SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) December 2018 update is out with a summary of the latest guidance, samples, and solutions from SharePoint engineering or from the community for the community. This article is a summary of all the different areas and topics around SharePoint Dev ecosystem during the past month.

New SharePoint CSOM version released for SharePoint Online – November 2018

We are happy to announce the availability of new SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) version targeted for the Office 365 or more specifically for SharePoint and Project Online. This was mainly a small maintenance release with minimal updates on the CSOM API surface.

Verification guidance – SharePoint Online moves to React 16

Guidance on verification testing for your SharePoint Framework solutions as SharePoint Online is moving to React version 16.

MVP Article – How I joined the PnP Core Team?

MVP Article - Journey on how contributions for the community will result in different opportunities for anyone who is willing to share their knowledge.

SharePoint Development Community (PnP) – November 2018 update

SharePoint Dev Ecosystem / SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) November 2018 update is out with a summary of the latest guidance, samples, and solutions from SharePoint engineering or from the community for the community. This article is a summary of all the different areas and topics around SharePoint Dev ecosystem during the past month.

Bring your apps to more places with new SharePoint Framework and Microsoft Teams releases

With SharePoint Framework v1.7 and upcoming releases in Microsoft Teams, you can now share some of your best customizations across SharePoint and Microsoft Teams.

MVP Article – PnP SPFx Yeoman generator v1.4.0 – Angular Elements support is here!

MVP Article - Angular Elements support is was released for the open-source PnP SPFx generator and this blog post explains the design decisions and the background around the released implementation.

Announcing Angular Elements support in PnP SPFx generator

Open-source PnP SPFx Yeoman generator now supports also Angular Elements.

New SharePoint CSOM version released for SharePoint Online – October 2018

We are happy to announce the availability of new SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) version targeted for the Office 365 or more specifically for SharePoint and Project Online. This was mainly a small maintenance release with minimal updates on the CSOM API surface.

SharePoint Development Community (PnP) – October 2018 update

SharePoint Dev Ecosystem / SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) October 2018 update is out with a summary of the latest guidance, samples, and solutions from SharePoint engineering or from the community for the community. This article is a summary of all the different areas and topics around SharePoint Dev ecosystem during the past month.