Carol Mbasinge Kigoonya

Senior Product Manager

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Microsoft Graph CLI v1.0.0 is now generally available

Microsoft Graph CLI, the command-line tool that provides convenient methods to access Microsoft Graph API capabilities on any operating system and any shell, is now available.

Announcing Microsoft Graph CLI v1.0.0 release candidate, now with beta support

This release candidate provides Graph Beta endpoints, expanded distribution options including publication on NuGet, new features, and bug fixes.

Upgrade to Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK v2, now generally available

Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK v2 is now generally available. This version includes many improvements, including simplified authentication and improved error handling. It’s also half the size and speeds up automation.

Microsoft Graph PowerShell v1 to v2 migration toolkit

Microsoft Graph PowerShell v2 introduces changes that will require v1 users to change their scripts to address issues like naming conventions of command names if their scripts include directives for switching to beta profile.

Announcing Microsoft Graph CLI v1.0.0-preview release candidate

Simplify Microsoft Graph interactions with the intuitive Microsoft Graph CLI now in preview.

New Azure AD app name for Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK and CLI

We would like to announce the new Azure AD application name for our Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK and CLI. The name currently shown as Microsoft Graph PowerShell in the consent window will change to Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools effective May 2023. The decision to change the Azure AD application name was made to better reflect the app...