We are excited to announce that Microsoft 365 Groups now supports more flexible methods of hiding and showing groups in any Outlook client or the address book. We have added to the Group Resource Type on the production endpoint in Microsoft Graph: hideFromOutlookClients and hideFromAddressLists. Previously, these properties could only be changed via PowerShell. We now provide access to these properties via Microsoft Graph, which will help support additional customizations through Power Automate and 3rd party applications.
Setting hideFromOutlookClients to True (which also sets hideFromAddressLists to True) prevents the group from showing in the Outlook left-hand navigation, prevents the group name from resolving during message creation, and prevents the group from showing in the Global Address List (GAL). If hideFromOutlookClients is set to False, hideFromAddressLists will also be set to False.
Setting hideFromAddressLists by itself controls whether the group is hidden or shown in the GAL, but it won’t affect the Outlook left-hand navigation or name resolution during message creation. Changing hideFromAddressLists by itself does not change the value of hideFromOutlookClients.
The default value for both properties is False, and they are only retrieved when using $select. The following example shows how to use the GET method to retrieve values for hideFromOutlookClients and hideFromAddressLists using Graph Explorer.
Sample query: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/ed8083cb-8540-46f9-b817-46866469695d?$select=displayName,description,hideFromOutlookClients,hideFromAddressLists
These values can be updated using methods like PATCH, as shown in the following example:
In the response, hideFromOutlookClients is now set to false. Both properties are updated:
Updating just hideFromAddressLists will not have any effect on hideFromOutlookClients.
You can find detailed API documentation here. As always, we welcome your feedback!
Mike McLean Principal Program Manager Microsoft 365 Groups