Showing results for Windows Community Toolkit Labs - #ifdef Windows

Jun 27, 2023

Microsoft Store Open Source Series — AppServices library

Sergio Pedri
Sergio Pedri

Looking for ways to empower your UWP app beyond what you thought was possible? Today, we're going to show you how to leverage the AppServices library we built for the Microsoft Store to unlock the power of Win32 APIs. Plus, we have a new source generator which makes using app services a piece of cake! 🍰 This is part of our new "Microsoft Sto...

Apr 20, 2023

The Windows Community Toolkit 2023 Update

Michael Hawker
Michael Hawker

It's been a pretty busy year for the Windows Community Toolkit (WCT), even though you may not realize it! We wanted to share what we've been working on, why it's important, where things are at, and how you can help! If you're new to the Toolkits, you can find an introduction video to them here. In 2022, we announced the Windows Community Too...