Previous posts:
- Happy birthday .NET with Mads Torgersen, Coypu
- On .NET with Scott Hunter, On .NET with Matt Watson, MessagePack
- Visual Studio 2017, .NET Core SDK, F# 4.1, On .NET with Phillip Carter, Happy Birthday from John Shewchuk, FNA, Pyre
Last week, we spoke with Sidharth Gupta from Samsung about Tizen. Tizen is Samsung’s open-source OS that runs on TVs, watches, phones, and other devices. The development platform for Tizen is built on .NET Core and Xamarin Forms.
This week, we’ll talk about SonarLint with Tamás Vajk. We’ll take questions on Gitter, on the dotnet/home channel and on Twitter. Please use the #onnet
tag. It’s OK to start sending us questions in advance if you can’t do it live during the show.
Happy birthday .NET!
Bertrand Le Roy started using .NET with the first public betas, then proceeded to write a CMS with it. That’s when he moved to the US and joined the ASP.NET team that was working on ASP.NET 2.0 at the time. He’s worked on ASP.NET Ajax (including UpdatePanel, yes), co-founded the Orchard CMS project, and is now working as a Program Manager on .NET Core. He sometimes speaks of himself in the third person.
Package of the week: JSON.NET 10
I’ve featured JSON.NET before, and it’s the #1 package on NuGet with more than 50 million downloads. Version 10 is out, with new features that make it a particularly exciting release. Specifically, the library now has full async
Download JSON.NET 10 on
Blogger of the week: Gunnar Peipman
Gunnar Peipman has had at least one post a week featured here for quite a while, and this week is no exception, as you’ll find three of his posts in the ASP.NET, C#, and Azure sections. His posts are always very focused and immediately useful. Check out his blog!
Meetups of the week: game development with Unity for Windows 10 in NYC
Tonight at 6PM at the Microsoft Reactor in NYC, the Microsoft makers and app developers group holds a meeting where you’ll learn about game development on Windows 10 using Unity.
- A Hitchhikers Guide to the CoreCLR Source Code by Matt Warren.
- Command Line: Using dotnet watch test for continuous testing with .NET Core 1.0 and by Scott Hanselman.
- Visual Studio 2017 can automatically recommend NuGet packages for unknown types by Scott Hanselman.
- Fast Dictionary and struct generic arguments by Ayende Rahien.
- ClrMD Part 2 – From ClrRuntime to ClrHeap or how to traverse the managed heap by CriteoLabs.
- NuGet Versioning Hell by Ivan Gavryliuk.
- Dynamically generating classes in runtime by Nikola Lukovic.
dotnet new
Feature Selection by Muhammad Rehan Saeed.- Happy LibYear! by Steve Desmond.
- Introductie van .NET Core, .NET Standard, and Developer experience – deel 1 van 2 (Dutch) by Sander Molenkamp and Edwin van Wijk.
- Real-time chart using ASP.NET Core and WebSocket by Gunnar Peipman.
- Preventing mass assignment or over posting in ASP.NET Core by Andrew Lock.
- Step by step: Running ASP.NET Core on Raspberry Pi, and Raspberry Pi: Run ASP.NET Core on Startup by Carlos Mendible.
- MVC 5 encrypt parameters by Andrei Ignat.
- Why .NET Core Made C# Your Next Programming Language to Learn by Matt Watson.
- Exploring C# 7 by David Pine.
- Deconstructors for non-tuple types in C# 7.0 by Andrew Lock.
- C# 7.0: Out variables by Gunnar Peipman.
- How to build a simple object graph delta comparer in C# using Structurizer by Daniel Wertheim.
- Exploring StackOverflow Data, by Evalina Gabasova
- Visualizing Olympic Medals with F# and Fable, by Tomas Petricek
- Building a MUD with F# and Akka.NET – Part One, by Joe Clay
- Why OO Matters (in F#), by Eirik Tsarpalis
- Answering “What’s for lunch?” using Azure Functions, F# and Slack, by Martin Andersen
- Examining the F# Programming Language, by David Bolton
- Visual F# Attributions
New F# Language Suggestions:
- New type: constrained type
- Flow based null check analysis for
types and alike
Check out F# Weekly for more great content from the F# community.
- Xamarin Beta Release: 15.1 Beta Preview 1 by Bri Brothers.
- Xamarin Stable Release: Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector 1.2.0 by Bri Brothers.
- Xamarin Technical Bulletin: Updating Xamarin Visual Studio 2017 & Side-by-Side by Dominic Nahous.
- Introducing the Kimono Designer for SkiaSharp by Kevin Mullins.
- Xamarin University Webinar Recording | Building Your First Android App with Xamarin for Visual Studio by Courtney Witmer.
- Play Audio and Video with the MediaManager Plugin for Xamarin by Martijn van Dijk.
- Organize a Xamarin Dev Days! by Jayme Singleton.
- Catch Up on Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio for Mac with Channel 9 by James Montemagno.
- Introduction to Game Development with MonoGame by Xamarin.
- New HockeySDK releases for Xamarin and Unity by HockeyApp.
- Behind the Scenes: How Chefs for Seniors uses Xamarin, HockeyApp & Azure App Service to Power its Daily Operations by DevRadio.
- Episode 19: MonoGame – Write Once, Play Everywhere with Dean Ellis by The Xamarin Show.
- Cleaning Up Space on Your Xamarin Development Machine by James Montemagno.
- Xamarin.Forms Layout Challenges – Great Places by Kym Phillpotts.
- Connecting To A Remote Database in Xamarin Forms by Adam Pedley.
- UISleuth – Visually Inspect Your Xamarin Forms Application by Adam Pedley.
- Xamarin Forms Binding by Adam Pedley.
- Xamarin.Tips – Xamarin.Forms Android Custom TableView Section Titles by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Tips – Xamarin.Forms iOS Custom TableView Section Titles by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Tips – Android Shadows on Transparent Views by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Tips – Changing a TableView’s Separator Color by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Forms: Grouping data with Tabbed page by Almir Vuk.
- Xamarin.Forms — Caching for the ListView by Wallace McClure.
- Service Fabric .NET SDK goes open source by the Service Fabric team.
- Using Azure AD with ASP.NET Core by Gunnar Peipman.
- How to deploy an ASP.NET Core 1.1 application to an Azure App Services Web App using Visual Studio 2017 by Benjamin Perkins.
- New Year, New Dev – Windows IoT Core By Windows Apps Team.
- Project Rome for Android Update: Now with App Services Support By Carmen Forsmann.
- How the UWP Community Toolkit helps Windows developers easily create well-designed and user-friendly apps By Windows Apps Team.
- Dialing an Etch-a-Sketch By Greg Duncan.
- Setting a custom User-Agent in the UWP WebView control by Pedro Lamas.
- Quick Start EF Core Videos on Channel 9, EF Core Quick Starts: ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2017 (video) and EF Core Quick Starts: Full .NET in Visual Studio 2015 (video) by Julie Lerman.
- Using Resilient Entity Framework Core Sql Connections and Transactions: Retries with Exponential Backoff by Cesar de la Torre.
- Entity Framework Query Caching by Deepak Malik.
- Checking Up on Your Entity Framework Objects with DbEntityEntry by Peter Vogel.
Game Development
- Inventory and Store System – Part 4.2 (Populating the Data) by Stacey Haffner.
- Implementing robust AI for SecondHand: Enemy Positioning by Radu S. Cristea.
- SadConsole – Engine Revision Completed by Andy De George.
- Is Early Access Worth It? by James Buckle.
- [Unity 5.5] Tutorial: How to create a Mirror by Gamad.
- Hex Map 15: Distances by Catlike Coding.
- Unity 5: Fade Between Scenes by Dual Core Studio.
- Curated #UnityTips No. 38 by Devdog March 2017.
- Hajime Tabata talks about the transformation of Versus XIII to Final Fantasy XV by Jeremy Parish.
And this is it for this week!
Contribute to the week in .NET
As always, this weekly post couldn’t exist without community contributions, and I’d like to thank all those who sent links and tips. The F# section is provided by Phillip Carter, the gaming section by Stacey Haffner, and the Xamarin section by Dan Rigby, and the UWP section by Michael Crump.
You can participate too. Did you write a great blog post, or just read one? Do you want everyone to know about an amazing new contribution or a useful library? Did you make or play a great game built on .NET? We’d love to hear from you, and feature your contributions on future posts:
- Send an email to beleroy at Microsoft,
- comment on this gist
- Leave us a pointer in the comments section below.
- Send Stacey (@yecats131) tips on Twitter about .NET games.
This week’s post (and future posts) also contains news I first read on The ASP.NET Community Standup, on Weekly Xamarin, on F# weekly, and on Chris Alcock’s The Morning Brew.