October 17th, 2019

Fall .NET Core Survey

Sam Spencer
Program Manager

It’s been a busy time for .NET Core – we just shipped 3.0, and are currently working on a few updates for v3.1 (due in November.) As we turn our attention to .NET Core 5.0, we want to take a step back and see what you are doing with .NET Core and how we can make it even better.

We have put together a quick survey that will help us understand our customer base a bit better, how you are using .NET core, and what we can do to improve it. So please head over to Survey Monkey and help shape the future of .NET Core.

Surveys help give us a breadth view of .NET Core users, but we also want to understand in more depth what challenges you face in your projects, so if you are willing to participate in more detailed feedback, please provide your contact details in the survey.

Thank you for your contribution.

.NET Core


Sam Spencer
Program Manager

Sam is a Program Manager on the .NET Core team. He has worked on various developer technologies at Microsoft including WinUI, WinJS, LightSwitch, Visual Web Developer and Visual Basic.


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  • hitesh davey

    What is the point of conducting the survey(s) when MS is not going to implement what real developers are asking? E.g.
    1. VB.NET developers are asking for FULL .NET CORE support but roadmap shows something else.
    2. Make WEB development as simple as possible but the current trend of MVC/MVVM/RAZOR architecture is becoming too complex to maintain for large projects.
    3. Provide WinForms like WYSWYG designer and development environment for WEB projects
    4. Android development without using Xamarin
    5. Portable UI components

  • Jon Miller

    How about move ASP.NET Web Forms forward instead of leaving its developers high and dry. I would put this in the survey, but, you already closed it.

  • Alex Lira

    Full and completel WPF integration with OPENGL rendering for greater portability, and full integration and standardization of GPIO calls in the .NET Core

    It would be wonderful to be able to program both a game and a sales system, as well as programming for an SBC using its GPIO pinouts. And port .NET CORE to as many platforms as possible, including web.

    As it is just my hobby, I hate to have to learn new programming languages having to spend every year learning because the changes in the new technologies. As for my humble skills it is much more important for...

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  • Hugo Ferreira

    It’s .NET 5 and not .NET Core 5.
    You are confusing yourself, now imagine the general public.

    How about allow (I don’t care if it’s a IIS issue or .NET Core issue or even ASP.NET Core issue) but allow multiple ASP.NET Core applications In-Process mode running on the same App Pool.

  • Jack Bond

    Oh look, yet another useless survey. Hey guys, you know when one of your surveys will actually be worth filling out?


    And if you don’t already know what it is

    1) That proves my point
    2) A cross platform UI application framework

    • Michael T. DePouw Spottedmahn


      I feel you 👍.

      To me, what’s most frustrating is the lack of a response.

    • Alexey Leonovich

      A cross platform UI application framework which supports Windows 7 SP1+ and Debian 9+.
      It is very likely that MS will drop Windows 7 SP1 support in upcoming .NET 5 and it will stop many users from using it.

    • Corné

      Actually, I think they are working on possibilities that enable this scenario. During DOTNETCONF someone showed a demo of a future version of VS with support for building and debugging a desktop app using Blazor and Electron, essentially giving you just this: cross-platform UI (desktop, mobile and web) all in one.

      I for one would LOVE to see this make it into the product. Makes sense to use web tech. It’s ubiquitous and performant, so why come up with something new again?

      • Eric Mathay

        Who knows about Wisej ? Wisej is a WEB framework to be used into the VStudio IDE, and behaves like winform developments, including debugging possibilities.
        Simply said, they have recreated all the items of the VStudio toolbox to generate JavaScript in the browser. You drag and drop the toolbox items on your form and use what ever .NET code you want in the code behind. Exactly the winform concept.
        The generated single page Web App can be deployed on ASP.net. A version to run on .NET Core is in prep.
        The product has ready made templates to allow "MDI" forms...

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      • Mike-E

        BTW, Blazor needs one small step to make it work on native devices, and it’s on the radar:

        But I am cool with having .NET work in a browser, which is the most important/valuable/cost-saving goal ATM until then.

      • Mike-E

        Technically speaking, there are two viable options already:
        1) Blazor -- This is more of a web-based approach and doesn't appease to the Xaml crowd.
        2) Uno -- More Xaml-based but isn't really an authoritative MSFT offering which is what everyone is after.

        I myself am cool with Blazor and am getting into it. Sure it's not Xaml, but I do not think we're getting a viable replacement for Silverlight/WPFEverywhere anytime soon. Uno is UWP-based which is comprised of a terrible and inferior model when compared to the likes of WPF. UWP/WinUI still do not have markupextensions nearly...

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      • Mike-E


    • Gauthier M.

      Ahahah ! Exactly 👍👍👍

    • Ian Marteens

      Agree. There are two “precedents” for a cross-platform WPF. Silverlight ran in MacOs. And though JavaFX was another breed of beast, it couldn’t have been so different in the core.

    • Timo Witte

      Lol that´s what i replied in the survey as well..
      I get that they can´t port WinForms easily, as it is tighly integrated with Win32API, but WPF / UWP should be possible and could benefit a lot of devs..
      For example small UIs on IOT Devices / Status Monitors and so on.

      • Alexey Leonovich

        UWP is not working on Windows 7 SP1.
        WPF would be a better choice.

  • Chris Justice

    Check out what Catalyst network is doing with .NET Core to build a scalable, accessible and sustainable DLT with integrated distributed file system, applications running in containers and a .Net Ethereum virtual machine to be cross-platform compatible. https://github.com/catalyst-network

  • Kevin Davis

    Pretty sure it’s .NET 5, no “Core” anymore…?