Stephen Toub - MSFT

Partner Software Engineer, .NET

Stephen Toub is a developer on the .NET team at Microsoft.

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ConfigureAwait FAQ

.NET added / to the languages and libraries over seven years ago. In that time, it's caught on like wildfire, not only across the .NET ecosystem, but also being replicated in a myriad of other languages and frameworks. It's also seen a ton of improvements in .NET, in terms of additional language constructs that utilize asynchrony, APIs ...

An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels

"Producer/consumer" problems are everywhere, in all facets of our lives. A line cook at a fast food restaurant, slicing tomatoes that are handed off to another cook to assemble a burger, which is handed off to a register worker to fulfill your order, which you happily gobble down. Postal drivers delivering mail all along their routes, and you ...

Performance Improvements in .NET Core 3.0

Take a tour through some of the many improvements, big and small, that have gone into the .NET Core 3.0 runtime and core libraries to make apps and services leaner and faster.

Understanding the Whys, Whats, and Whens of ValueTask

The .NET Framework 4 saw the introduction of the  namespace, and with it the  class. This type and the derived  have long since become a staple of .NET programming, key aspects of the asynchronous programming model introduced with C# 5 and its  /  keywords. In this post, I'll cover the newer / types, which were introduced to help ...

Performance Improvements in .NET Core 2.1

Back before .NET Core 2.0 shipped, I wrote a post highlighting various performance improvements in .NET Core 2.0 when compared with .NET Core 1.1 and the .NET Framework. As .NET Core 2.1 is in its final stages of being released, I thought it would be a good time to have some fun and take a tour through some of the myriad of performance ...

Performance Improvements in .NET Core

Update (2017/06/12): Added BenchmarkDotNet blog post link. There are many exciting aspects to .NET Core (open source, cross platform, x-copy deployable, etc.) that have been covered in posts on this blog before. To me, though, one of the most exciting aspects of .NET Core is performance. There's been a lot of discussion about the ...