Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.05.04

Willy-P. Schaub

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics, listed in no specific order:




Are you attending the Microsoft Build event from May 7-9 in person or tuning in live? Are you planning to share your experiences and/or exciting announcements on your blog?
If yes, please tweet me on @wpschaub, so that we can consider your post(s) for the next top stories summary. 

TIP: If you want to get your VSTS news in audio form then be sure to subscribe to RadioTFS .

Here are some ways to connect with us:

  • Add a comment below
  • Use the #VSTS hashtag if you have articles you would like to see included


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