March 30th, 2018

Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.03.30

Martin Woodward
Principal Group Program Manager

Here are the top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics.

Top Stories

  • Use Cognitive Services in VSTS Custom Branch Policies – Yan Sklyarenko Following on from the popular post about using Twitter sentiment as a release gate, Yan published an interesting post showing how to use the Azure Cognitive Services API in a release gate to check the language of a pull request. While the example in question might not be what you need in your org, the post itself is worth bookmarking as a great how-to on release gates including keeping API secrets safe in Azure Key Vault.
  • Building Microservices with AKS and VSTS – Andreas Helland Andreas has started a new series on deploying to the Azure Container Service & Kubernetes using VSTS. Promises to be an excellent series starting from the very beginning – how to get your code into VSTS.
  • Deploying WordPress Application using Visual Studio Team Services and Azure (Part Two) – Yaron Pri Gal Yaron follows up his post about deploying WordPress using VSTS. Not only is it an example of deploying WordPress sites, it’s worth a read for a details guide on deploying a LAMP stack based site (including the MySql deployment)
  • #MyGitJourney – Mickey Gousset Git can be very intimidating to new users, but Mickey is doing a great job documenting his journey getting to grips with Git as a long time TFVC user. Worth reading along if you are also new to Git and want to learn along with Mickey about how to get on as a user of Git.
  • Global DevOps Bootcamp A regular plug that the Global DevOps Bootcamp will return on June 16. Last years event was fantastic and a great way to learn all about CI/CD with VSTS using a realistic set of scenarios. Places fill up fast so make sure you register to attend your local event asap, if you don’t have one nearby why not host your own?

Podcasts & Videos

If you have feedback or would like to see a story included in next weeks round-up then please leave a comment below or use the #VSTS hashtag on Twitter


Martin Woodward
Principal Group Program Manager

Principal GPM on the Azure DevOps team. Vice President of the .NET Foundation.


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