February 4th, 2022

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2022.02.04

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2022.02.04 are here!

Welcome back! I am Jay Gordon and every week I try to bring you the latest updates from around the DevOps on Azure community. If you have a post you’d like to have me include, I am always listening. You can reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn and I will be sure to share your latest post with the community. Also, be sure to tag your posts with #AzureDevOps!

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Hello and welcome back to the weekly roundup of news and posts from across the DevOps on Azure community.

Every day I see people on places like Twitter try to define exactly what DevOps is. Is it tools? Is it process? I honestly believe DevOps is about people. Putting people in a position to succeed is ultimately putting your business in a stronger position to deliver to customers. By collaborating, educating, and communicating with each other you can come together to achieve these goals. Creating a culture of collaboration will prove beneficial to all and help your technology teams achieve more.

Posts from the DevOps on Azure Community

We have another week of posts from the DevOps on Azure Community. The posts this week come from across the world to share subjects like GitHub, Azure Pipelines, the always popular Terraform, and a heavy dose of security. Let’s get into this week’s community contributions!

How to: Secrets Mapping on GitHub
I feel like I include posts by Vinicius Moura almost every week, but he just keeps delivering. This time he shares how to extract all secrets (*organization, repositories and environments*) within a GitHub organization.

DevOps for Database Development with Snowflake using Liquibase and Azure DevOps
Mohamed Radwan’s post focuses on updating databases using a configuration management approach by using Liquidbase, an open-source database schema management solution.

Azure DevOps Contributor can’t create a Repo
Chris Bradshaw shares how he troubleshoots when a user with the Azure DevOps Contributor role and Basic (or Visual Studio) access level can’t create a new Repo.

DevSecOps con Azure DevOps (Spanish)
Gisela Torres provides some insight into DevSecOps along with Azure Pipeline examples.

Creating an AKS Release Pipeline in Azure DevOps
Andy Roberts shares his journey better understand Azure Kubernetes Service along with Azure DevOps Release Pipelines in a GitOps style process.

Azure & Azure DevOps – Provisioning a Windows Virtual Machine using Terraform
Patrick Koch explains how to implement Azure DevOps Pipelines, which are capable of provisioning and destroying a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure using Terraform.

I am in your pipeline reading all your secrets!
Jev Suchoi asks the question, “Ever wondered how secure and really secret #azuredevops variables are during #pipeline execution?”

PAT options for Azure DevOps organizations
Matteo Emili shares your Azure DevOps options when using Personal Access Tokens including three easily configured policies.

Microsoft Posts, Community Events, and Updates

How to use Environment Variables with AKV Secrets in the CI/CD Pipeline when deploying applications, by Kartik Kanakasabesan
We began the new year, announcing the preview of a capability in Dataverse, which allows environment variables in Power Platform to reference secrets stored in Azure Key Vault. Since the preview, we have had a lot of users asking on how this preview would work with their ALM pipelines. This document highlights a general flow on to make it work. The ALM pipeline being executed is being run under a service principal (SPN)

High level intro to GitHub: GitHub Shots Bootcamp part 1 (Video recording)
Learn how to get the most out of GitHub for your DevOps process, brought to you by the people who practice DevOps at Microsoft.

How to use Azure to kickstart your DevOps lifecycle I Build, test and deploy – Virtual Meetup
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
In the first episode of this series, we will begin with an overview of DevOps, some of the main aspects and why it is such a big topic. We will then jump into the start of a developer journey by coding a small web application, containerizing it using Docker and deploying it to Azure App Services.

Thank you to all this week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts by Vinicius, Mohamed, Chris, Gisela, Andy, Patrick, Jev, and Matteo.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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  • Kusum Devi

    But on the other hand, why should I hear you reading Spanish articles. The article is accessible for nearly everyone in here, so Spanish procedure is an intellectual reduction that the article is not as effective as it could be. I think countless articles about DevSecOps in English are at hand. – Sd

  • Wegner, Bjoern

    but why are you listening Spanish articles. English ones are understandable for almost everyone here, Spanish is reduces such an interesting article to a pretty small amount of readers. I think there are plenty articles about DevSecOps in English available.

    • Michael Hauer

      Running it through a translation engine was a low effort. I for myself found it worth.