May 24th, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.05.24

Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

This week I’m lucky to be in Berlin at GitHub Satellite, where I got to see some of the amazing announcements from our friends over at GitHub and talk to GitHub users about Azure Pipelines. And now that it’s Friday, I’m getting caught up on the Azure DevOps news as well.

From one release per quarter to 30 times a day
This great session that Marcel de Vries gave earlier this year at NDC Minnesota is now online: he takes you on a journey to take a legacy waterfall application and apply modern release techniques so that you can release multiple times per day while keeping the quality high.

Azure DevOps Terraform Trouble
Simon Timms was staying bleeding edge and running the latest version of Terraform in his Azure DevOps builds. And unfortunately, he noticed an incompatibility between Terraform 12 and his Azure DevOps tasks. It’s a good reminder to stay on a known-good version, and shows you how to stay on that particular release.

Another gem of Azure DevOps, multi-stage pipelines
I’m super excited about the new multi-stage pipeline functionality in Azure Pipelines, because it lets me script my release pipeline in YAML. Gian Maria Ricci is excited as well, and explains how the new multi-stage pipeline functionality works.

Build and Deploy a Node.js Application into Azure Web Apps Using Azure DevOps
It’s easy to get started with Azure Pipelines for any app – including node.js. But Michio JP levels up by adding security scanning with WhiteSource Bolt, publishing test results and code coverage into the Azure Pipelines test analytics, and a deployment into a web application.

As always, if you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure then let me know! I’m @ethomson on Twitter.


Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Edward Thomson is a Program Manager for Azure DevOps, where he ensures that customers are successful with Git, CI/CD and DevOps concepts. Before becoming a Program Manager, he was a Software Engineer at GitHub and Microsoft working on Git tools.

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  • Pratik Patel

    Thanks For sharing these Story
    Love Story stories.