June 4th, 2014

The first Cloud Load Test and Application Insights class next week at QuickLearn


One of the ALM MVPs and old friends from Australia  Anthony Borton (TFS Instructor) has created an entire set of courses around the latest Visual Studio Online Services including Build, Release Management, Application Insights and Cloud Load Test…and one of the nicest things about his courses you can attend either virtually or in person!

Next week Anthony is running the first of these new offerings and has asked ME to help deliver the Cloud Load Test and Application Insights sections.  My sections are specifically June 11th 9am to 12pm.

I plan on using this time to do the following:

1. Tour of Application Insights

    • UI Overview/Dashboards 5 minutes
    • Availability Monitoring 10 minutes
    • Usage Monitoring 10 minutes
    • Performance Monitoring 10 minutes

2. Hands on Application Insights

    • Create an availability Test (Using the web test above)
    • Install the Visual Studio tools for Application Insights
    • Create a new web application and instrument it with Application Insights

3. Tour of Load Test 20 minutes

4. Hands on of Load Test 40 minutes

  • Record Web Test
  • Create a load Test
  • “Cloudify” the Load test

For an even more indepth look at these features they have an advanced class too:





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