Hi all,
The current version of the Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Installation Guide is missing a section from the topic on installing the proxy. Specifically, the steps for actually installing the proxy are missing from the topic! These steps should appear between the steps for installing the prerequisites and installing SP1, but somehow they were lost between updates. We’re working on getting the install guide updated, but until then, here are the missing steps:
To install the Team Foundation Server Proxy
1. On the proxy server, log on to Windows using the Team Foundation Server Setup account; for example, DomainTFSSETUP. On the Team Foundation Server installation media, locate the proxy folder and run setup.
The Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server Proxy Setup wizard starts.
2. On the Welcome to Setup page, click Next.
3. On the License Terms and Product Key page, review the license agreement. If you accept the terms and conditions, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and then click Next.
4. On the System Health Check page, examine any warnings or blocks by clicking the report link.
· Address any blocks before you continue setup, click Cancel, and then run setup again after fixing the blocking issues.
· Review any warnings before continuing (although they should not prevent setup from completing), and then click Next.
· If nothing is listed, click Next.
5. On the Destination Folder page, accept the default destination folder, and then click Next.
6. On the Cache Folder page, accept the default path and folder, and then click Next.
Note The folder you specify should have enough free space to let you cache the files there.
7. On the Service Account page, type the Windows domain user account you created for the Team Foundation Server Proxy account (for example, DomainTFSPROXY) in the Account Name box, type the password in the Password box, and then click Next.
For more information, see User Accounts Required for Team Foundation Server Setup.
8. On the Ready to Install page, click Install.
9. On the Installing Components page, monitor the installation of Team Foundation Server Proxy.
10. On the Setup Completed Successfully page, click Finish.
Internet Explorer appears.
11. On the Configuring Team Foundation Version Control Proxy page, follow the directions for configuring the proxy.
Note You must configure Team Foundation Server Proxy before you can use it. If this page does not appear, locate and open ProxyConfig.htm on the installation media.
Thanks, and I hope this helps until the update is posted!
Content Lead, Team Foundation Server