August 6th, 2007

Available Now: Team Edition for Database Professionals Service Release 1

In case you did not see an announcement on another forum or blog, Service Release 1 is now available for Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals. This update not only addresses bugs that customers reported but also adds a modest number of new features. The new features include the following:

·         Significantly improved support for creating cross-database references. You can add references to other databases and servers, define variables that correspond to those references, and use those variables in the definitions of your database objects. By creating these references, your object definitions can work in different deployment configurations. You can also now use refactoring to change cross-database references. This approach might eliminate hundreds of warnings if your database contains many references to objects in other databases.

·         Improved support for defining files, log files, and filegroups for your database server. You can define these objects in the properties of your database project.

·         Added support for defining SETVAR variables that you can reference in your pre-deployment and post-deployment scripts. For example, you might define a SETVAR variable for a service broker or service certificate.

You can find more information and a link to download the English version of the update at the Download Center on the Microsoft Web site.

To immediately download the update, you can click this link to the Microsoft Web site.

You can find the Knowledge Base article for the update on the Microsoft Web site.

You can install this update in nine languages from the following locations:

In addition, the first release of power tools for Team Edition for Database Professionals should become available within the next week. This release will include:

·         New types of database refactoring

·         MSBuild improvements to support comparing schemas and data at a command prompt

·         Data generator improvements to help you specify regular expressions and data bound columns

·         A new Sequential Data Bound Generator

·         New templates for database projects

·         A simple dependency viewer for database objects

·         Static code analysis for Transact-SQL (T-SQL) code

I will post additional details about the power tools when they are released. They are scheduled to be available by Friday, August 10.

— Steven Powell, lead writer for Team Edition for Database Professionals





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