AzureFunBytes – Modernizing Your Apps With Containers

Jay Gordon

Tailwind Traders is one in a line of many great fake companies, like Contoso, that Microsoft has championed as part of their demos. Recently, they decided to move one of the core applications of the Tailwind Traders store from a virtual machine into containers, gaining deployment flexibility and repeatable builds. In this video, learn how to manage containers for deployment, options for container registries, and ways to manage and scale deployed containers. We’ll learn why to use containers, the advantages, and even demo a container creation.

Follow along with me as you take your first trip in modernizing your application

Save costs by lifting and shifting your existing applications to containers, and build microservices applications to deliver value to your users faster. Use end-to-end developer and CI/CD tools to develop, update, and deploy your containerized applications. Manage containers at scale with a fully managed Kubernetes container orchestration service that integrates with Azure Active Directory. Wherever you are in your app modernization journey, accelerate your containerized application development while meeting your security requirements.

AzureFunBytes! – Byte-sized content with a live Twitch show!

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