May 10th, 2006

Answer to an e-mail comment on Move TFS from one Domain to another

We got an e-mail question from Graham:


I have installed TFS in Domain A, using a domain account for TFSSETUP. I then move the server to a new domain (using the My Computer properties page). Now Sql Server has a problems with ownership of the Team Server databases.


Before the move the TFS databases were owned by <originalDomain>TFSSETUP. Joining a new domain doesn’t change the owner in Sql Server. So when in the new domain if you try and look at the database properies (using Sql Management Studio) you get an SMO error. I presume this is because <originalDomain>TFSSETUP is nolonger valid.


There are several steps that are required for moving TFS from one domain to another. The blog at includes the steps that should help you.


Running ‘TfsAdminUtil ChangeAccount’ should take care of the database ownership you describe above.








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