April 14th, 2023

New Boards Hub Update, Sprint 220

Dan Hellem
Product Manager for Azure Boards

Sprint 220 was again dedicated to fixing bugs. We continue to drive down that bug backlog as quickly as we can.

Notable bugs fixed

Issue Description
Date and time shift between New Boards and old Displaying different date values when moving between Old Boards and New Boards.
Add to Dashboard from chart Missing menu option on query chart to “Add to dashboard”.
Queries menu flash Menu items on the queries page will display a blinking flash depending on the screen size.
Queries and filtering Filtering is missing results for queries that return more than 200 work items.
Ctrl + S on parent Sprint work items are not saving when opening the parent link, from the child, and attempting the Ctrl + S shortcut.
Boards and left navigation mix up The wrong team is loading when switching between teams and using the left navigation for Boards and Backlogs.
Backlog “Add to top” “Add to Top” when adding a new work item on backlogs is not putting the work item into the top position.
Identity fields and scroll bar on Kanban cards Scroll bar for Identity fields (Assigned To) on Kanban board cards is not working.
Delete icon on style settings Delete icon for board style settings is missing on small screens.
Multiline field tooltips are missing Tooltips are missing when hovering over a multiline text field on the work item form.
Query column options have extra fields Column option is showing fields in outside projects when doing a project scoped query.
Title of child annotation not being refreshed The title of the child annotation on the Kanban card is not getting updated. Requires a page refresh.
Drop down values on cards are too narrow Clicking on a drop-down field a Sprint or Kanban card only shows a few characters. The width of the results is too narrow.
Boolean fields showing 1 and 0 in results Update a value on a Boolean field and go back to your query to notice the value change to a 1 or 0. It should show true or false.
Queries order Queries in a folder are not sorted alpha numeric.
Errors when updating settings on sprint board Getting hard component error when changing settings on the sprint board and clicking the “save” button.
Stakeholders unable to move items on task board Stakeholder users are unable to move work items between columns on the task board.
Duplicate identities on kanban filter The same identity is showing twice when using the Assigned To filter on the Kanban board.
Create branch from work item “The specified branch name already exists” error when creating a branch from work item. It happens even though the same branch name exists in another repo.
# and ! mention links not working Unable to click on a link in the discussion or description that was created by # or ! mention.

Note: although these items are fixed, they may not be released to all organizations yet. Rollout can take a few days to a couple weeks.

New feature

We added a small usability feature to the work item save button. The button choice between “Save” and “Save and Close” is now sticky for the next time you save a work item. This prevents making an extra click if you prefer “Save” over “Save and Close”.

Image work item sticky

We appreciate and need your feedback to ensure the New Boards Hub is successful. Feel free to email me with any issues you find.


Dan Hellem
Product Manager for Azure Boards

Dan is a Product Manager with Microsoft's Azure DevOps


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