April 27th, 2018

Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.04.27

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics, listed in no specific order:



  • 159 // Catching up with Martin
    In this episode Greg catches up with Martin, chatting about the new Microsoft, new leadership, new VSTS features, new TFS 2018 RC2 features [XAML Build’ers will be happy], Greg’s VSTS migration and the latest and greatest VSTS, TFS news, tips and tricks.


  • How Windows, Windows Store, Xbox & Surface moved their 350gig source repo into Git hosted on VSTS
    In this video Donovan Brown interviews Tony Seeley, Group Program Manager who works in the Windows and Devices Group (WDG), Engineering Systems team, overseeing the group managing the source control system which is used by thousands of users working on code for an extensive portfolio of products including Xbox, Surface, Windows Store and of course the Windows operating system itself.

TIP: If you want to get your VSTS news in audio form then be sure to subscribe to RadioTFS .

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