Hello, I’m Pat Brenner, a developer on the Visual C++ Libraries team. I recently shared some information about the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library in this blog post. Several people responded to that post asking for a list of bugs that have been fixed in MFC for Visual Studio 2012.
Though I cannot provide a complete list of the bugs in our internal bug database, here is a list of the bugs that were reported by customers through our Connect site that have been fixed in MFC for Visual Studio 2012 RTM. Click on any Connect bug number to see more information about that bug.
Connect # | Bug Title |
574974 | CRecordset/DoFieldExchange not working properly |
577870 | CMFCButton causes memory leak |
582449 | Multiple floating CDockablePanes have issues when docked together |
584677 | MFC projects targeted for Windows XP cause stack corruption. |
584688 | Allow type safe alternatives for the min() and max() macros to be used |
585121 | Windows 7 taskbar won’t auto-unhide when wizard-built MFC app is maximized |
585837 | It is possible to dock a CDockablePane to one that has already been closed |
588167 | Suggestion for CMFCToolBarsCustomizeDialog |
588348 | CWinApp causes access violation by using uninitialized data |
594556 | Incorrect background for controls on a CPaneDialog |
595648 | CMFCToolBar::m_bDontScaleImages variable is available only for static link |
599305 | Unable to link against CMDIChildWndEx::m_dwDefaultTaskbarTabPropertyFlags |
600357 | Incomplete documentation for CMFCColorButton class |
611434 | Access violation in afxcustomizemenubutton.cpp |
613377 | Memory Leaks in MFC Class |
613594 | AFX_TAB_TEXT_MARGIN not exported when linking dynamically with MFC |
615996 | Symbol afxGlobalUtils – C++ |
618207 | CDockablePane undocking issue with swapped mouse buttons |
618539 | Window menu in MFC app does not work correctly |
619673 | CMFCDropDownListBox::OnDrawItem should use DT_NOPREFIX |
619913 | Static MFC executables twice as large |
620733 | MFC Feature Pack Customisation Dialogue Box: "All Commands" |
621222 | <<OLE VERBS GO HERE>> does not disappear from the menu |
622001 | Inclusion of MFC headers causes leaking memory |
622495 | Floating pane’s docking status is not restored correctly after LoadState |
622942 | #include <afxcontrolbars.h> is not compatible with #define NOMINMAX |
623229 | CMFCShellListCtrl controls do not show properly translated headers |
624043 | MFC bug? in-process QAxServer leaves dangling COleFrameHook reference |
626013 | MFC application with a ribbon: An underline is displayed on the title |
626016 | MFC application with a ribbon: When closing the maximized child MDI window |
629703 | MFC: Disabling DWM Composition causes redraw issues |
630000 | CDockablePane derived class after LoadState is not restored correctly |
630199 | Buffer overrun in CRichEditCtrl::GetTextRange with MBCS |
631089 | Sample CLIPART Common.res missing |
631723 | BUG in MFC Undermines Application Developer Control over the application |
632178 | DTS: CWnd::PreCreateWindow change causing problems |
632542 | MFC Ribbon tooltips are below floating panes |
632550 | Copy/Paste is not working in dockable pane |
632888 | D2D1::ColorF::Red gives blue and D2D1::ColorF::Blue gives red |
634898 | Issue with CMFCToolBarImages::AddImage with 32bit Images |
635527 | CWnd::CreateIndirect memory leak in VS2005, VS2010, VS2010 SP1 |
635819 | New file "afxanimationcontroller.h" uses TRACE instead of ATLTRACE |
636148 | AfxOleUnregisterTypeLib cannot handle win64 typelibs |
636860 | MFC Suitable for COM development ? (dllmain violations) |
638564 | Using the mouse wheel to scroll in CMFCPopupMenu does not work correctly |
641001 | CCheckListBox incorrectly displays BST_INDETERMINATE check state |
641098 | MFC feature pack: incorrect tool bar drawing for fixed tool bars (non-dockable) |
641100 | MFC timer IDs used to handle docking capabilites are in very normal usage range |
641292 | CMFCStatusBar incorrectly assumes WS_THICKFRAME and SBARS_SIZEGRIP |
641665 | EnableLoadWindowPlacement(false) does not work correctly |
641672 | Could CMFCStatusBar RecalcLayout() become virtual? |
642053 | CMFCMenuBar and Accessibility |
643639 | The state of warning 4100 is not restored to the previous state |
643999 | CMFCToolBarImages may cause ActiveX host shutdown failure |
644774 | MFC taskbar interaction with maximize/minimize has issues |
646445 | CVSListBox produces memory Leaks |
646481 | Symbol afxKeyboardManager not exported when linking dynamically |
650162 | MFC MDI standard tabs close unexpectedly when activated by click in [x] location |
651057 | MFC headers in VS 2010 SP1 causes /doc compilation to fail |
653308 | MFC Ribbon Bug – incorrectly calculated panel widths |
656884 | Windows 7 style ribbon bar context categories look bad |
658227 | MFC status bar message is displayed (wrong) again after tool bar button is pressed |
658568 | CMFCDesktopAlertWnd::Create() method doesn’t show a window |
661289 | COleObjectFactory Registry Registration fails with blanks in Path |
670846 | Error in CWinAppEx::GetSectionString |
672452 | MFC – CDialogEx – Deactivating and activating dialog set focus to first dialog item |
675922 | CMFCPopupMenu context menu not shown in foreground in TrayMenu sample |
676869 | MFC Tabbed MDI bug |
679332 | Crash in AdjustLayout using CMFCPropertyGridCtrl |
679390 | Missing DLL exports in MFC |
680263 | CMFCRibbonEdit::OnSetFocus() in MFC Microsoft Office Fluent UI |
681491 | Toolbar using CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton not displayed correctly |
681771 | CMFCPropertySheet – RemovePage not working with PropSheetLook_OutlookBar |
683164 | MFC Ribbon’s Gallery Button’s Column property does not work |
683598 | Compile error in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 when using the "lint" preprocessor definition |
683726 | Using CFileDialog in Loop causes Error |
684318 | CMFCToolBarsMenuPropertyPage SYSTEM_DEFAULT_ANIMATON fails to initialize |
684376 | Deriving from CMFCHeaderCtrl requires CMFCListCtrl changes |
685022 | CWnd::OnWndMsg has incorrect cast for AfxSig_v_u_v |
686157 | Satellite DLLs doesn’t work when new MFC controls like CMFCButton are used |
687615 | VS2005 migrated app has toolbar bugs, including Win7 Aero drawing bug |
687736 | MFC class CStreamOnCString stops working with IE9 |
688159 | CLinkCtrl::GetItemState never returns the item state |
692769 | MFC – CRecordset::GetFieldValue throws "Invalid Argument Value" exception |
694793 | MFC – CRecordset::GetFieldValue and nvarchar(MAX) returns no data |
696791 | MFC CPropertySheet crashes when WM_CREATE returns -1 |
698304 | CMFCPropertyGridCtrl vertical scrollbar doesn’t work correctly in alphabetic mode |
699739 | CString::FormatMessage can throw out of memory exception |
700173 | Display bug in CMFCRibbonComboBox control |
705542 | CMFCButton proceeds mouse events in region covered by another MDI child window |
709116 | CMFCFontComboBox memory leak after DeleteString |
711714 | MFC unsafely uses GetModuleHandle behind the scenes, causing crash |
715991 | Any default SDI application type with MFC standard project style always crashes |
717004 | Problem with Print Preview in a tabbed MDI application with splitter window |
717992 | CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl memory leak |
718189 | GDI leak when closing last document tab in an MDI application |
720671 | Black area in tab control of CTabView and live taskbar preview window |
720894 | GDI object leakage in CMFCToolBarImages::SmoothResize function |
722441 | Ribbon Menus unexpectly show the panel icon |
724022 | DECLARE_DYNAMIC in CMFCEditBrowseCtrl missing |
725299 | Hung process upon exiting MFC application when using Speech Recognition |
725331 | Draw Bug in CView Frame on Initial Focus |
726453 | MSDN Forum: GDI – Issue while drawing Arc |
731161 | MFC Ribbon buttons no longer working with touchscreen monitor |
731201 | Incorrect XML in MFC header files causes compiler warnings |
731341 | Titlebar goes ‘black’ and unresponsive after (some) screensavers have run |
736941 | Memory leak from SetPaneSize sample in MFC 2008 feature pack |
738284 | Ok/Cancel/Apply buttons missing from MFC Property sheet on Hebrew Windows 7 |
738924 | CFileDialog FileNamedlg |
740600 | CMFCColorButton will be displayed without style/theme |
745790 | Static MFC executables produced by Visual Studio 2012 RC are huge |
746564 | VS 2012 RC – Code Analysis: CUIAnimationCallbackBase –> C6388 |
I hope you find this information useful. As you can see, we do pay attention to and take action on the bugs that are reported on the Connect site. So please continue to report bugs that you find in MFC (or any of the Visual C++ libraries)—we do want to hear about them.
Pat Brenner
Visual C++ Libraries Development Team