June 22nd, 2009

Channel 9 Video: Bogdan Mihalcea: The New VC++ Project/Build system – MSBuild for C++

Bogdan Mihalcea is a developer on the Visual C++ team. During the development of Visual Studio 2010 he has been feverously working on converting our build system to target MS Build as the build infrastructure for  Visual C++ 2010 Solutions/Projects. There are many reasons motivating this changeover. For awhile now having to deal with two different build systems, VC Build and MS Build, has been a little bothersome for many of our customers who had a mix of native and managed code. Secondly, a lack of parity would mean that  useful features appeared in one system which may not be mirrored in the other. Finally, we could not move two infrastructures forward as fast as we will be able to move one. So what does VS2010 have in store for your Visual C++ Solutions/Project and what amount of effort it may take you to get there – watch the video to find out. As always, we hope you enjoy the video and feel free to post any questions you like on the Channel 9 site.






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