March 26th, 2007

Channel 9: Marshalling Library and Vista Development with VC++

The latest Channel 9 video by the Visual C++ team has just been released. This video features Sarita Bafna, a PM on the libraries team, talking about a few of our latest features which are previewed in the March CTP:


“MFC support for Vista” includes support for new Vista file dialogs, support for the new controls specifically for Vista and support for additional Windows messages (including some for XP) that had not previously been supported by MFC etc. The IDE Support for Vista includes support for the new controls and high quality graphics in the Resource Editor, support for enabling UAC for VC++ apps etc. The Native-Managed Marshalling Library supports marshalling strings between native-managed code and includes an extensibility model so you add support for your own types. This video includes a demonstration of the VC++ features to support Vista development.



The Visual C++ team!

Channel 9


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