Tanveer Gani

Principal Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Visual C++

Tanveer Gani is a Principal Engineer with Microsoft and has been working on C++ compilers and IDEs for over two decades.

Post by this author

C++20 Support Comes To C++/CLI

Details of C++20 support for C++/CLI introduced in VS 2022 17.6

C++20 Support Comes To C++/CLI

We're pleased to announce the availability of C++20 support for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2022 v17.6. This update to MSVC was in response to feedback received from many customers via votes on VS 2019 C++/CLI and C++ standard version /clr and /std:c++latest - Microsoft Developer Community and otherwise. Thank you! In Visual Studio 2022 v17.6...

MSVC OpenMP Update

Summary of your post, shown on the home page next to the featured image

A Race Condition in .NET Finalization and its Mitigation for C++/CLI

Race conditions can occur in .NET finalization. This article explains the solution implemented in MSVC.