Posts by this author

Apr 15, 2019

In-Editor Documentation for CMake in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1 Preview 1 introduces in-editor documentation for CMake commands, variables, and properties. You can now leverage IntelliSense autocompletion and quick info tooltips when editing a CMakeLists.txt file, which will save you time spent outside of the IDE referencing documentation and make the process less error-prone. If...

AnnouncementCMakeNew Feature
Jan 24, 2019

Introducing the New CMake Project Settings UI

Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 introduces a new CMake Project Settings Editor to help you more easily configure your CMake projects in Visual Studio. The editor provides an alternative to modifying the CMakeSettings.json file directly and allows you to create and manage your CMake configurations. If you’re just getting started with CMake in Visual...

AnnouncementCMakeNew Feature
Apr 11, 2017

Linux development with C++ in Visual Studio

This post was updated on December 11, 2020 Visual Studio 2017 introduced the Linux Development with C++ workload. We generally recommend Visual Studio’s native support for CMake for all C++ Linux development. Visual Studio’s CMake support allows you to target multiple platforms (Windows, a remote Linux system, the Windows Subsystem for Linux, em...
