Command line summary for tf.exe. This was put together by Rob Caron.
You may also want to see the full Team Foundation Version Control Command Line Reference as well.
This is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases.
Add |
tf Add itemspec [lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/type:filetype] [/noprompt] [/recursive] |
Branch |
tf Branch olditem newitem [/version:versionspec] [/noget] [/lock] [/noprompt] [/recursive] |
Branches |
tf branches [/s:servername] itemspec |
Changeset |
tf Changeset [/comment:comment|@commentfile] /s:servername [/notes:(“NoteFieldName”=”NoteFieldValue”|@notefile)] [/noprompt] ([/latest]|changesetnumber) |
Checkin |
tf checkin [/author:authorname] [/comment:(“comment“|@commentfile)] [/noprompt] [/notes:(“Note Name”=”note text”|@notefile)] [/override:reason|@reason] [/recursive] filespec …] |
Checkout |
tf checkout [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive] [/type:encoding] itemspec |
Delete |
tf delete [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive] itemspec |
Difference |
tf difference itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:”options”]
tf difference itemspec itemspec2 [/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:”options“]
tf difference [/shelveset:shelvesetname;[shelvesetowner]] shelveset_itemspec [/server:serverURL] [/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:”options“] |
Dir |
tf dir [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive] [/folders] [/deleted] |
Get |
tf get itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/all] [/overwrite] [/force] [/preview] [/recursive] [/noprompt] |
Help |
tf help commandname |
History |
tf history [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/stopafter:number] [/recursive] [/user:username] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/slotmode] |
Label |
tf label [/s:servername] labelnamescope [/owner:ownername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/comment:(“comment“|@commentfile)] [/child:(replace|merge)] [/recursive]
tf label [/s:servername] [/delete] labelnamescope [/owner:ownername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive] |
Labels |
tf labels [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/s:servername] [labelname] |
Lock |
tf lock itemspec /lock:(none|checkout|checkin) [/workspace:workspacename] [/server:serverURL] [/recursive] [/noprompt] |
Merge |
tf merge [/recursive] [/force] [/candidate] [/discard] [/version:versionspec] [/lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/preview] [/baseless] [/nosummary] source destination |
Merges |
tf merges [/s:servername] [source] destination [/recursive] |