July 26th, 2007

Adding Team System Web Access to the mix

Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

A year ago I became the dev lead for Team Build.  As of this month, I’m now also the dev lead for Team System Web Access (TSWA), which is the name of the group that resulted from our earlier acquisition of devBiz Solutions, makers of TeamPlain Web Access.  Hakan, Ahmet, and Serkan have joined our team in North Carolina, relocating from Turkey.  Hakan is the program manager for TSWA, and Ahmet and Serkan are developers on TSWA.  It’ll take a while for me to catch up to Ahmet and Serkan. 🙂  It’s great to have them on the team, and I look forward to this team delivering some great features.

We’ll soon be releasing the power tool version of TSWA for TFS 2005 (the original TeamPlain is still available here).  After that, we’ll be working on a similar power tool release for TFS 2008.  Beginning with Rosario, which is the release of TFS following TFS 2008, TSWA will be an integrated part of the product rather than a separate power tool.

Let us know what you need in TSWA.  We’re planning for Rosario now, so it’s a great time to give us your feedback.


Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering, Azure DevOps