For well over a year now, we’ve been posting release notes for Visual Studio Online roughly every 3 weeks describing the enhancements we deploy each sprint. In our last redesign of the site, we added a similar news feed for the on-premises products but haven’t updated it very often or provided a ton of detail. Starting with VS 2013 Update 2, we are going to try out publishing VS & TFS release notes on that news feed, providing you one place to go to keep up with the latest capabilities both in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Online. Check out the VS 2013 Update 2 release notes. You’ll find they are heavy on TFS and lighter on VS. That’s because TFS Update 2 is released and VS Update 2 is a Release Candidate. We’ll post updated VS release notes when it reaches final release. Hopefully this will be helpful to you in keeping up with all the new stuff coming. We have also added a link to our Visual Studio Downloads page (it’s at the bottom under Related resources – I’m asking that we improve that) that will give you access to our pre-release downloads. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to find the various Visual Studio related pre-releases that are available for you to try out. I’m sure we’re missing stuff you’d like to see so don’t be shy about pointing it out and we’ll see about getting it added.
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