Our training saga continue but is approaching closure – 2 steps forward, 1 step back. The 300 level content is complete and available. Remember that it is really designed for a classroom setting with a trained trainer. If you fit this category you can visit http://connect.microsoft.com.
- Click on “My participation” on the left.
- Login in with a valid Live Id (Passport)
- Click on “Available connections” also on the left
- Scroll to the bottom and click “apply” next to “Visual Team System Training Resources”
Your application will be evaluated (quite honestly not 100% sure what the criteria are but I don’t think we turn a ton of people away :)). You will get mail about your application and then you can go back and download the 300 level content. We are also in the process of uploading the 300 level content to the Partner Learning Center for Gold Partners and SIs. You can sign up for it at http://www.msptr.com. Go to http://www.msptr.com/PartnerTraining/Secure/HomePage.aspx and order #5233 from the Training Content Catalog. The 200 level content is nearly done. It was delivered a few weeks ago but we discovered that some of the formatting was bad and sent it back for some additional work. The vendor is supposed to deliver the corrections today. Assuming they do, it will be uploaded to the Connect site (described above in the 300 level content section) over the weekend and should be available early next week. It will also be uploaded on MSDN and should have links at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/teamsystem/learning and http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/teamsystem/expand It will take a week or two to propagate to the MSDN site.
I want to warn you that both sets of content are very large (multi-gigabyte) so expect to spend a while downloading it. The primary reason is the VPCs we include for hands on labs. We’re working on creating a way for people to order media with the training on it but we’re not there yet. I’m sorry it’s taken us so long. I wouldn’t have imagined it in my wildest dreams 6 months ago. It’s a bit of murphy’s law – everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong (knock on wood). Brian