I’ve written in the past about some of the work we’ve done on performance in TFS/VS 2012. I’m happy to see in the feedback that many people have noticed. We’re in the process of wrapping things up for this release and I got an update on our Test Pro performance results that I thought was worth sharing.
This graph shows our top priority performance test scenarios (there are probably another 40 or so lower priority ones – just for Test Pro). The vertical axis the the ratio of the actual result to the 2012 goal. The purple bar is the ratio of 2010 SP to the 2012 goal and green is the ratio of the current results to the 2012 goal. The X axis are the scenarios. We don’t have purple bars for all of the scenarios because some of these are new features in 2012 and we don’t have 2010 comparables.
As you can see, we set the goals for significant improvement over 2010 – 2 to 5 times and exceeded those goals significantly. I’m very glad that we made it a priority to really spend time understanding and improving the performance. You’ll find some similar perf analysis for Visual Studio on the VS blog like this one: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2012/05/25/visual-studio-11-performance-improvements-in-typing-and-editing-responsiveness.aspx
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