Preparation is in full swing for the Microsoft PDC this fall (Oct 27 – 30). PDCs are the primary event where we talk about the future (as opposed to events like TechEd where we primarily talk about the present). This PDC promised to have a great deal of new content for developers. Among them, I think this will be the first conference where we really talk in depth about what is coming in the Team System release code named “Rosario”. If you are passionate about ALM, it will be a great show. In addition to the core PDC event, there will be a set of pre-conference presentations the preceding day. Among them will be sessions on VSTS today to position you to really understand the “tomorrow” stuff coming in the PDC. There is also a great session on Agile development. Check them out if you are interested. I’m planning on being at the PDC and look forward to seeing you there.
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