February 8th, 2011

January 2011 ALM Documentation updates are available

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

A few days ago, we posted the latest updates to the online documentation.  Below is a summary of the new and updated content.  Perhaps the one I’ve gotten the mote requests for is information on configuring TFS for HTTPS.

Team Foundation Administration:

Securing Team Foundation Server

Now you can learn about how security for Team Foundation Server is integrated with Windows authentication and utilizes permissions for users and groups. You can learn about the advantages of configuring your deployment of Team Foundation Server 2010 to use HTTPS with SSL, and follow the steps to support or require this protocol for web connections between the data, application, and client tiers.

TF Proxy command

The TF Proxy command has two purposes, and each purpose is aimed at a different type of user.

  • As a developer, you can use the proxy command to configure your client to use a proxy server or to override the network defaults for a proxy server.
  • As a network administrator, you can use the proxy command to add and manage records about the location of various proxy servers within your deployment of Team Foundation Server.

You can read more about the command in Tim’s blog post: What If Using TFS Proxy Was as Easy as Making a Get? and in the MSDN topic.

Planning and Tracking Projects





Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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