Overall, it’s been a pretty uneventful month for the dogfood server. The biggest milestone is that we are now consistently over 1,000 active users on the system. Files & Folders are approaching the 100M mark and should hit it within the next few months for sure.
I’ve added a new statistic this month – Merge history. That’s how many individual file merges have been performed. At 153 million, you can see we do quite a lot of merging 🙂
In the next few weeks we will be upgrading the DevDiv server to an Orcas build. This is the first time and marks a pretty big milestone for us. The team has been working hard over the past couple of weeks getting ready for it – testing builds, preparing upgrade scripts, doing pre-production runs, bug bashing, etc. I’m really excited and eager to see this happen soon.
Here’s the graphs and stats:
- Recent users: 1,085 (up 105)
- Users with assigned work items: 2,688 (up 112)
- Version control users: 2,015 (up 140)
Work Items
- Work Items: 174,338 (up 15,679)
- Areas & Iterations: 7,104 (up 30)
- Work item versions: 1,400,896 (up 117,983)
- Attached files: 59,549 (up 6,028)
- Queries: 14,470 (up 922)
Version control
- Files/Folder: 77,019,480/16,014,191 (up 2,918,367/up 600,564)
- Total compressed file size: 514 GB (up 86.3 GB)
- Checkins: 165,748 (up 12,395)
- Shelvesets: 7,595 (up 619)
- Merge history: 153,371,862 (new statistic)
- Pending changes: 973,721 (up 57,280)
- Workspaces: 4,084 (up 363)
- Local copies: 370,384,029 (up 46,810,898)
Commands (last 7 days)
- Work Item queries: 172,346 (up 22,408)
- Work Item updates: 29,836 (up 5,791)
- Work Item opens: 75,767 (up 3,782)
- Gets: 95,112 (up 34,483)
- Downloads: 20,060,936 (down 1,114,730)
- Checkins: 4,085 (up 1,467)
- Uploads: 196,004 (up 53,086)
- Shelves: 1,103 (up 174)
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