November 9th, 2011

Expanded hosted TFS offering from

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President just recently expanded their hosted TFS offering.  You can read more about it on their site and on their blog post. I can imaging people might wonder why I’d talk about this when I talk so much about our current hosted preview service.  Let me give a few reasons why you might want to use a service like the one from over the TFS on Azure preview we are currently doing.  I don’t claim it to be a complete list but rather just what comes to the top of mind at the moment. 1)’s solution is a production service based on a released version of our products.  I’d expect their service to be more reliable and to involve less frequent churn. 2) They provide reporting and Sharepoint integration for TFS.  Our current hosted preview does not. 3) They provide a build services.  Our current hosted preview does not. 4) They provide more data center options today. 5) They provide some VSS migration services. 6) Integration with 3rd party offerings like Urban Turtle. Etc. It’s a good option for organizations who are looking to have someone else manage their TFS infrastructure to consider.




Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.