April 18th, 2014

Creating installers with Visual Studio

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Some years ago we discontinued support for creating installer projects in Visual Studio and directed people to InstallShield for that functionality.  There were a number of reasons for that decision that I won’t detail here.  However, there was vocal feedback from many of our users that they were very unhappy with that decision.  I’m happy to tell you that yesterday, we released a preview of a new extension that will enable creating installers from VS 2013.  I expect this extension will evolve and ultimately be included in a future version of VS. You can read more about it and find links to the download here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2014/04/17/visual-studio-installer-projects-extension.aspx It seems like every time I post any update on Visual Studio, I get the question “Did you fix the GUI? Did you bring back setup and deployment projects?” from ThomasX.  It has to have been dozens of times over the period of 2 years or more.  You have to admire the perseverance 🙂  I can finally, say YES! to one of the two questions 🙂  I’ve already answered the other question “No, we’re not doing that, if you mean reverting to the VS 2010 UI” – but that’s a whole ‘nother conversation.  Anyway, I’ll take one out of two for today 🙂 Please check it out and let us know of you have any feedback.



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.