After answering the first half dozen or so questions I got about Power Tool availability (within hours of announcing the RC on Monday :)), I kind of stopped. The truth is that we had not planned on producing RC compatible Power Tools. We did them for Beta 2 and are hard at work on finishing them off for RTM. However, the demand has been so high we started looking at how difficult it would be to get a build out and how long it would take. Today we reached the conclusion that we can do it and they should be available by the end of next week – no later than 2/19, assuming nothing too terrible goes wrong. Sorry for the delay. I think we’ll plan on producing the Power Tools for all go-live builds in future releases. Until then, you should be able to continue to use the Beta 2 Power Tools against an RC server. So if everyone doesn’t need them, you could just keep a machine around somewhere with Beta 2 installed until we get the new build out.
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