March 22nd, 2011

Team Explorer 2010 SP1 Bug viewing build summary

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

The dangers of late breaking changes :(.  In the final weeks of 2010 SP1, we made a performance improvement for viewing build information from the build explorer.  Unfortunately, this was after the Beta and after our compatibility test pass.  The unfortunate result is that we missed a bug when you are using Team Explorer 2010 SP1 against a TFS 2008 TFS server.  In this scenario, when viewing a build report, VS will experience a NullReferenceException and it will crash 🙁 I hate that we missed this and we’re going to redouble our efforts to make sure we don’t miss compat breaks like this in the future. We’ve just released a hot fix for the issue.  You can download it here if you need it: Sorry,




Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.