Offering myriad possibilities, cognitive services teach computers to understand the world as humans do. This emerging technology can provide exciting and powerful capabilities for government agencies to better meet their unique missions and improve citizen services and engagement.
To hear how cognitive services can advance government, RSVP and join the Microsoft Azure Government DC user community for our next Meetup, Learning How to Apply Cognitive Services to Your Agency’s Mission, on Wednesday, March 29 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at 1776 in Washington, DC.
This month, we are excited to have Justin “Doc” Herman, program lead of Emerging Citizen Technology, Technology Transformation Service, General Services Administration. Justin will discuss and provide insight to what GSA and partner agencies are doing to seed advanced cloud services such as cognitive services and artificial intelligence in government.
You will also hear about Microsoft Cognitive Services API offerings and learn how to build your own smart apps on Azure Government. Microsoft’s Steve Michelotti, senior program manager, Azure Government; and Ken Hausman, data platform solution architect willdemo how to immediately start using the APIs to perform facial recognition, voice recognition, live translation of languages, image analysis, and face redaction from video feeds – all on the secure Azure Government platform.
In addition to presentations and demos, there will be fantastic networking opportunities, food and beverages. This Meetup is open to the public and there is no cost to attend. Please RSVP today on the Azure Government DC Meetup site to secure your seat!