October 25th, 2017

Azure Gov Meetup Replay: Intersection of Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation for Gov  

Karina Homme
Senior Director

Recently, a crowd of more than 120 people turned out for the Azure Gov DC user community Meetup on the Intersection of Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation at 1776 in Washington, DC.

For those who were not able to join us for the event we are pleased to bring you the replay of the event.

Segment 1: Kicks off with Azure Government updates then features Mark Russinovich, CTO, Microsoft Azure, who presents his vision on cloud computing, confidential computing and cybersecurity.

Segment 2: A panel discussion on balancing cybersecuity and government modernization. The panel is moderated by Jason Miller, executive editor, Federal News Radio and featuring Rafael Diaz, CTO, Northrup Gruman; Susie Adams, CTO, Microsoft Federal; Greg Shipley, senior vice president, In-Q-Tel; and Matt Rathbun, CISO, Microsoft Azure Government.

Watch all of the Azure Gov DC Meetup replays on our YouTube Channel and Subscribe!

Mark Russinovich: Intelligent Security in a Cloud World

Panel Discussion: Balancing Cybersecurity & Gov Modernization

Note: All panelists are heard and only those who agreed to be on camera are shown.

Join us for our next Azure Gov DC Meetup

If you’re in the DC-metro area, be sure to RSVP and join us in person for our next Azure Gov DC Meetup on Wednesday, November 29, 6 – 8:30 p.m., at 1776 in Washington, DC. If you are unable to join us in person, you can watch via livestream 6:35 p.m. EDT at aka.ms/azuregovmeetuplive.


Karina Homme
Senior Director

As senior director for Microsoft Azure Government, Karina is the federal market lead and liaison between the US Federal Ecosystem & Microsoft Azure Engineering. She works closely with a wide range of executive stakeholders to understand US government needs, remove cloud adoption blockers and ensure Microsoft’s Government Cloud roadmap meets agency missions. As an advocate for government, Karina supports cloud adoption in federal civilian agencies.


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